Our community offers many valuable resources for residents.
Programs & Organizations
This program offers an addictions counsellor and five mental health counsellors. Sioux Lookout residents are eligible to self-refer, with appointments being made for an assessment (which involves a 20-minute phone call). Space is limited however, so if no counsellor is available upon calling and you are in distress, please head to the Emergency Department where there is always a mental health counsellor on staff.
Phone: (807) 737-6565
NAN advocated for and developed Choose Life to ensure that no First Nation community would be denied programming funding that promotes the mental, emotional, and behavioral well-being of youth.
Toll-free Hotline: 1 (866) 888-8988
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
The NGFC offers many resources to the community including:
Promotes and supports healthier lifestyles for urban Aboriginal people. The program creates opportunities for community members to learn about healthy lifestyles and participate in active living activities. The program provides the urban Aboriginal community with hands on experience through interactive workshops, healthy nutrition information, cooking classes, fitness training, smoking cessation support, sport and recreational activities, all to assist with living a healthy lifestyle.
Contact Christine Reid at 1 (807) 737-1903 x233 or christiner@ngfc.net
There is also a hamper service open to any family in need. All that is required is that you leave a message stating the number of people in the household, as well as the ages of any children. Diapers are available if required.
Leave a voicemail at (807) 738-4671 or email Emergencysupport@ngfc.net
The Northwestern Health Unit has health resources available to anyone who calls or is referred, including: STI blood testing, immunizations, birth control, Plan B pills, and sexual health counselling. Students or clients can see the sexual health counsellor for same day appointments, and do not need parental consent for their services (although caregivers can make the referral and speak on their behalf if needed).
Phone: (807)-737-2292 Ext.307723 (Joanne)
A service to assist individuals with resume creation and the securing of employment.
Suite 2B - 54 Front Street, Centennial Centre, Sioux Lookout, Ontario
Phone: (807) 737-1672
Fax: (807) 737-4685